A Little Less of a Hot Mess: The Modern Mom’s Guide to Growth and Evolution

I see this book as an invitation into the readers own imperfect growth and evolution journey- at a time we moms need it the most. So often we talk about the growth and development of our children, but what about us…the ones behind it all? We don’t stop growing when we become moms, and, If we choose to listen, the call for growth as life gets more complicated, only gets louder. It isn’t until we choose to make space for our own evolution, beyond the role of mom, that we can live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. With my practical mental health framework, I hope to empower today’s moms to say “yes” to the invitation to rewrite their story, restore their identity, and reclaim their (one) life! - Kaitlin Soule, LMFT and author of “A Little Less of A Hot Mess

Kaitlin Soule