5 Ways Working Moms Can Prioritize Health

Moms. We give it our all. We definitely try. Often we don’t get a choice. Kids, partners, colleagues, friends—-they all need us and that requires work, attention, and mostly definitely time. Let‘s not forget that we are often expected to do it with a smile on our face, put together, and make it look easy. Undoubtedly, this will lead to mom burn-out. And while there are steps we can take to mitigate burnout, the bottom line is that moms will continue to prioritize the needs of others above their own. This may seem like the ‘supermom’ move but in reality it‘s not sustainable. What‘s more, it‘s not healthy. 

Prioritizing health may seem like yet another thing on our extensive to-do list in the midst of our hectic schedules, but the impact (or lack thereof) can have a profound effect on ourselves, our families and especially our kids. Not only is it about making sure we‘re living longer, healthier lives, but it‘s also about teaching our kids and instilling good habits early on. We need to value our own health and selves- it is time to put on your oxygen mask first. If your health goes down then the precarious balance of your family goes down. Who is going to take care of everyone else?

Not sure where to start?

Check out 5 helpful tips on how you can prioritize your health now to ensure a better future. 

1. Keep The Appointment. Be honest. In the last 12 months have you attended all these appointments: 1 gynecological exam, 1 physical, 2 dental appointments, 1 vision test, 1 dermatology appointment? If you’re over 40, have you had a mammogram? If not, please do so ASAP. By keeping your yearly appointments, you are participating in preventive healthcare, which can help you stay healthier and, as a result, lower your health care costs. An easy way to make sure we‘re scheduling these important visits is by setting our next appointment while we‘re still at the doctor‘s office for the current one. Need a little help keeping track of your and your family’s appointments, even a year out? Checkout a parent’s best organization tool, Maple. From shared calendars, to shared family chats, and so much more, Maple has you covered to stay organized, in charge and inspired. 

2. Write It Down. Let‘s be real. For many of us, if something is not on your calendar, it won‘t happen. You might plan to do an hour walk today during lunch, but your colleague schedules a last minute meeting. Or you may plan on eating that salad for dinner, but your husband just ordered pizza. Start writing things down. Put that walk into your calendar. Write down your weekly dinner plans for the week in Maple. By seeing your plans written out, you help yourself (and those around you), to prioritize those healthy habits. 

3. Find A Health Buddy, or 2! Given the choice of meeting our friends for coffee or working out, we choose the former everytime. But why not combine the two? Being healthy is a lot more fun if you find a buddy and together you can go on long walks, take a Zumba class, or even check out HeyMama‘s 7th Annual Strong Like Mama event. Social health is part of your overall well- being. You‘re much more likely to be consistent if you have a friend that will hold you accountable and share your health goals with you. So grab another mama and start the journey together. 

4. Kids and Working Out Aren‘t Mutually Exclusive. It may not be as smooth or as organized as you would like, but working out with your kids can be a great way to get healthy and burn some of their energy. Make it fun. Maybe it's a special weekly Mama/LO play date. If your kids are old enough, take them to the playground and do a little workout while they play. Bike rides, walks, a little yoga—that is you setting a great example for your little ones.

5. Don‘t Forget that Mental Health is Part of Health. Remember, mental health is the foundation of your overall well-being. Postpartum recovery, stress, anxiety, burnout can impact you in a variety of ways and often when you least expect it. We need to take care of our mental needs first and foremost. You know that old saying—”you can‘t pour from an empty cup“—well as moms, we cannot deplete ourselves, especially our mental and physical health, if we want to keep being the awesome supermoms that we are. Keeping our mental state healthy takes a little bit of effort. Meditate, talk to a professional, ask for help, listen to podcasts. Prioritize finding out what works for you. 

Tell us how you‘re prioritizing your health over on @heymama.co.


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