Strong Like a Mama: Workouts To Do With Kids of All Ages

HeyMama Strong Like a Mama Workouts To Do With Kids of All Ages

As if we have to tell you - it’s hard to find time to workout, let alone with kids in the house! We are all about taking time for yourself to workout or do whatever self care routine you love, but sometimes we do have to squeeze a workout in with the kids. When it does happen, here are a few ways to make the best of it: 

  • Moms with Babies - Stroller Workouts

Stroller workouts are possibly the most efficient way to workout – you can get some fresh air for your baby and get your daily steps in. However, if you want to elevate your stroller walk to get some real toning in, then try adding in some exercises like the ones in this “20 Minute Stroller Workout” from NourishMoveLove. The key to designing a great stroller workout is to do compound exercises– moves that target more than one muscle group at a time! For example, you can hit your arms and your glutes with a lunge series while you push your stroller. For some cardio, you can try adding in intervals to your walk by switching between jogging and walking with the stroller. Even a simple add in like ankle or wrist weights will help take your stroller walk to the next level. YouTube is filled with different types of stroller workouts to try– so if you are already heading out for a walk, it can’t hurt to add in some of these exercises.  

  • Moms with Toddlers/Young Kids - Classes

Mommy and me classes are relatively easy to find, especially now that there are many with virtual or on-demand classes. Baby yoga, dance classes, or gym classes keep both of you moving while teaching children important motor skills like balance and coordination. Aside from the workout, mommy and me classes are great places to meet other moms, which we all know can be a challenge! Plus, it’s likely their kids will be similarly aged to yours since they’re in the same class - a bonus for potential play dates!

  • Moms with Teens - Biking or Running 

Biking and running with your teens can be a great way to exercise together because it gives them a sense of independence, but still maintains the safety of having a parent present. Going for runs and bike rides doesn’t mean you and your teenager need to have a conversation during your workout, but it still allows you to enjoy the fresh air and movement together. Once you find a path or trail that you and your teen like, you can continue returning to it in order to build familiarity and confidence. Eventually, whenever you feel comfortable, your teenager may be ready to take the trail by themselves and you can feel good knowing that both you and your child can navigate the area well. 

If you and your family enjoy nature, biking and running can also be a great way to explore some of the terrain near your house. Hiking trails and walking paths can offer a great escape from the busy world and give you a refresh from your normal setting. 

  • Family -  jumping jacks challenge 

There is nothing like a little healthy competition to get your family moving. Try implementing a jumping jacks challenge for each member of the family to participate every morning. You can try a challenge to see who lasts the longest doing jumping jacks or you can set up a month-long challenge with increasing goals each day. At the end of the month, the family member with the most days completed or won can be the champion! 

If jumping jacks aren’t your style, there are many other ways you can challenge each other. Whether it’s a daily step competition using the health app on your phone, or a chart on the fridge to log your movement minutes each day, making exercise a part of your family dynamic not only motivates people to start moving, but also helps make it a consistent practice. 

Working out with your kids, or as a family, sets an awesome example of strength and health habits for the whole crew. As moms in business, time is our critical resource, so sometimes multitasking by working out and getting in quality time with the family is a win win. 

Every kiddo needs a daily dose of physical activity. Experts recommend at least 60 minutes a day of moderate or vigorous intensity activity. Kids exercise sessions help meet the physical activity guidelines and foster positive physical habits. Teaching kids to love movement will help keep them fit for life.

Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle for children as it lays the foundation for future healthy habits. It can also decrease the risk of becoming overweight in adulthood or developing type 2 diabetes.Targeting certain muscle groups early can also prepare your child for more complex motor skills later on, like dribbling a basketball or riding a bike.

What are some workout you’re doing with your kids? Tag us @heymamaco and we hope to see you at Strong Like a Mama!


Strong Like A Mama 2022


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